

Since mid-October 2020, Laura Einhorn has been a researcher at the Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik (ISS) in Frankfurt.  
Since November 2020, Alina Marktanner has been a researcher in the chair of Modern History and its Cultures of Knowledge and Technology at the RWTH Aachen.  
In November 2020,Guadalupe Moreno received her doctorate for “Working Fictions of Money: The Making of Currency (Dis)trust in Argentina (1880–2020).”  
Karlijn Roex was awarded the 2020 Journal Article Prize by the Society of Friends and Former Associates of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies during this year’s MPIfG Annual Colloquium in November.  
In October 2020, the IMPRS-SPCE doctoral researchers elected Vanessa Endrejat as their new spokesperson.  
This year the International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE) welcomed ten new researchers to the doctoral program.  
The International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE) is hosting a virtual doctoral conference from March 24 to 26, 2021.  
Since May 2020, Sarah Berens, who was a doctoral student at the IMPRS-SPCE from 2010 to 2013, has been Assistant Professor (tenure track) for Political Economy at the University of Innsbruck.  
Kristina Gushchina was awarded her doctorate by the University of Cologne in July 2020. In her dissertation project Gushchina researched the political representation of women in the post-Soviet space and factors influencing their (re-)election.  
In July 2020, Laura Einhorn received her doctorate, with distinction, for “Changing Diets and Food Moralities: The Social Stratification of Meat Consumption in Germany.”  
Marina Hübner, who was a doctoral and then postoctoral researcher at the MPIfG from 2014 to 2019, has been working as an advisor in the field of financial market policy at the Federal Ministry of Finance in Berlin since October 2019.  
Alexandra Hees received her doctorate from the University of Cologne in April 2020. In her dissertation, “Eine ‘grüne’ Zukunft für Kunststoffe? Die Entwicklung von Märkten für Biokunststoffe,” she explores the tension between perceptions of the future and market creation processes, reconstructing the development of markets for bioplastics from the 1970s to the present day from an economic sociology and cultural sociology perspective.  
Alina Marktanner was awarded her doctorate by the University of Cologne in April 2020. Her dissertation, “Vom Verbände- zum Beraterstaat? Unternehmensberater in der öffentlichen Verwaltung der Bundesrepublik, 1945 bis 2003,” explores how business consultants came to be political actors and how their consulting activities led to new political semantics and practices.  
International cooperation is exceptionally important for comparative social science research. The International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE) has been working with notable partner institutions abroad for several years now.  
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