The IMPRS-SPCE faculty is made up of professors from the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne, and the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Three further members are affiliates.
The chair is the managing director of the MPIfG and alternates between Lucio Baccaro and Jens Beckert.
Faculty members and affiliated faculty members
Political EconomyLucio Baccaro's research interests cover a broad spectrum of themes in comparative and international political economy. At the moment, his research agenda focuses on growth models and their sociopolitical underpinnings and socioeconomic outcomes.
SociologyJens Beckert's primary research interest is in the sociology of markets. He combines approaches from economics and sociology, with particular attention to the insights emerging from the new economic sociology. Using a theoretical framework that is both action-oriented and institution-oriented, he focuses on the social, institutional, and cultural embeddedness of the economy.
Political Science
– not available as an advisor for new IMPRS doctoral students in 2025 –Achim Goerres is Professor of Empirical Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He is a comparative political scientist and political sociologist who works at the intersection of political behaviour and welfare state research.
Political Science
– not available as an advisor for new IMPRS doctoral students in 2025 –Martin Höpner is head of the Research Group on the Political Economy of European Integration at the MPIfG and adjunct professor (außerplanmäßiger Professor) at the University of Cologne. The research group is located at the intersection of comparative political economy and integration research and analyzes European integration under conditions of political-economic heterogeneity.
Political Science
– not available as an advisor for new IMPRS doctoral students in 2025 –André Kaiser, who holds the Chair in Comparative Politics at the University of Cologne, is broadly interested in the causes and effects of political institutions. Understanding the role of institutions is crucial for any analysis of the economy since political decisions still account for the most influential regulatory interventions in modern economies.
– not available as an advisor for new IMPRS doctoral students in 2025 –Clemens Kroneberg is Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology at the University of Cologne. His research focuses on diversity and boundary making; action theory and social networks; and crime and deviance.
Sociology– not available as an advisor for new IMPRS doctoral students in 2025 –Sigrid Quack is Senior Professor of Sociology at the University of Duisburg-Essen, former director of the KHK/Centre for Global Cooperation Research and currently Principal Investigator of the DFG Research Training Group “Cross-border Labor markets”. She is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Organization Theory. She is a sociologist with an interdisciplinary orientation and is broadly interested in the preconditions, actors, and effects of the development of transnational and global institutions.
Sociology– not available as an advisor for new IMPRS doctoral students in 2025 –Karen Shire holds the Chair for Comparative Sociology and Japanese Society at the University of Duisburg-Essen, where she is also a member of the Institute of East Asian Studies and directs the Essen College for Gender Research.
– not available as an advisor for new IMPRS doctoral students in 2025 –Isabell Stamm is a sociologist and research group leader in the research group on wealth and inequality at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies. She has been head of the “Entrepreneurial Group Dynamics” research group at Technische Universität Berlin since 2017 and has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley.
Political Science
– not available as an advisor for new IMPRS doctoral students in 2025 –Christine Trampusch holds the Chair of International Comparative Political Economy and Economic Sociology at the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (CCCP) at the University of Cologne. Her professorship is also the Liaison Chair
(Brückenprofessur) to the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies. Her research covers studies on the social and political foundations of labor markets and financial markets in advanced capitalist democracies.
Socio-Economics– not available as an advisor for new IMPRS doctoral students in 2025 –Till van Treeck is Professor and Managing Director at the Institute for Socio-Economics at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He is a macroeconomist/political economist with an interdisciplinary orientation.
– not available as an advisor for new IMPRS doctoral students in 2025 –Leon Wansleben's scholarly interests are in political sociology, economic sociology, financialization, and sociological theory. His broader aim is to analyze changes in specific social fields in conjunction with broader capitalist transformations.
SociologyCarola Westermeier is a Lise Meitner research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies. Before joining the MPIfG, she worked at the Institutes for Sociology at the Technical University Darmstadt and JLU Giessen. She co-leads a project on “Financial Infrastructures and Geoeconomic Security” and previously led a research project on “Money as Data.”