Ayodeji Stephen Akinnimi
Thesis: Keeping a Job: Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Temporary and Non-regular Employment
(Research Associate, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen)
Dominic Akyel
Thesis: The Economization of the Funeral Market in Germany
(Manager, Academy for Social Care, SBK Cologne)
Ana Carolina Alfinito Vieira
Thesis: Mobilizing Institutional Resources: Land Disputes in South America
(Associate Researcher, Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning [CEBRAP], São Paulo)
Birgit Apitzsch
Thesis: Employment Institutions and Project-based Network
(Professor, Chair of Sociology, Labor, Economy and Welfare, Ruhr Universität Bochum)
Lukas Arndt
Thesis: Linking Wealth and Power. Unity and Political Action of the World’s Wealthiest Capitalist Families and the Corporate Elite.
(Business Intelligence Consultant, initions GmbH, Hamburg/Cologne)
Düzgün Arslantaş
Thesis: Clientelism and Dominance: Evidence from Turkey
(Postdoctoral Researcher at the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics [CCCP], University of Cologne)
Sandhya A.S.
Thesis: Making Mobility a Market: An Economic Sociology of Migration Brokerage
(Postdoctoral researcher, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University under DFG funded Research Training Group 'Cross-border labour markets')
Clara Baumann
Thesis: “Return of Dependency” or “A New Hope”? - East-South Investment and Interdependent Development in Colombia
(Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Duisburg-Essen)
Sarah Berens
Thesis: When the High-Income Country Context Dissolves: Social Policy Preferences in Low- and Middle-Income Democracies
(Assistant Professor for Political Economy, University of Innsbruck; Professor for Global Social Policy at University of Bremen as of 2024)
Elena Bogdanova
Thesis: Valuing the Past: The Constitution of the Antiques Market in Russia
(Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Monica Bolelli
Thesis: Subcontracting on the Premises: The Subcontracting of Labor-Intensive Functions in Northern Italy
(Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milano)
Elifcan Çelebi
Thesis: Gendered Influences on Labor Policies in Turkey
(Assistant Professor, School of Political Science and International Relations (SPIRe), University College Dublin)
Donato Di Carlo
Thesis: Together We Rule, Divided We Stand: Public Employers as Semisovereign State Actors and the Political Economy of Public Sector Wage Restraint in Germany
(Founder and Managing Director, Luiss Hub for New Industrial Policy and Economic Governance [LUHNIP], Luiss Guido Carli, Rome)
Laura Einhorn
Thesis: Food, Classed? Social Inequality and Diet: Understanding Stratified Meat Consumption Patterns in Germany
(Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Management and Organization in Social Work (IMOS), University of Technology, Arts, Sciences, Cologne)
Andreas Eisl
Thesis: The Politics of Budgetary Constraints: An Ideational Explanation for the Variation in National Fiscal Frameworks in the Eurozone
(Research Fellow on European Economic Policy, Jacques Delors Institute)
Vanessa Endrejat
Thesis: Out of Balance, Out of Sight? How the Epistemic Community of Government Finance Statisticians Shapes European Debt Calculations
(Max Weber Fellow, European University Institute, Italy)
Nina Engwicht
Thesis: The Diamond Market in Sierra Leone
(Lecturer, Department of Criminal Investigation, Federal College of Public Administration, Wiesbaden)
Timur Ergen
Thesis: Economic Competition in Renewable Energy Transitions
(Senior Researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne)
Irina España Eljaiek
Thesis: Institutional Colonial Legacy in Colombia: Racial Exclusion and Long-Term Development
(Assistant Professor, Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia)
Barbara Fulda
Thesis: Fertility Behaviour in Regional Social Contexts
(Referee, Hans Böckler Stiftung, Düsseldorf, Germany)
Philipp Gerlach
Thesis: Evaluating Candidates in the Labor Market
(Global Compensation Manager, Siemens Healthineers, München)
Laura Gerken
Thesis: Piercing the Fog: Transcalar Social Mobilization around Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Mozambique
(Senior Policy Officer, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development [BMZ])
Ipek Göçmen
Thesis: The Politics of Religiously Motivated Welfare Provision
(Organization Consultant, IMAP, Düsseldorf)
Jiska Gojowczyk
Thesis: Governing Brothers and Sisters: Environmental Programs in Catholic Holy Orders
(Research Fellow, Südwind Institut für Ökonomie und Ökumene, Bonn)
Felipe González López
Thesis: Towards a Micro-Foundation of Financialization: The Consumer Credit Market in Chile
(Professor, Escuela de Gobierno y Comunicaciones, Universidad Central de Chile, and Head of the Max Planck Partner Group for the Study of the Economy and the Public, Santiago de Chile)
Kristina Gushchina
Thesis: Women’s Political Representation in East-European Post-Communist and Post-Soviet Countries
(Expert Data Scientist, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Bonn)
Lukas Haffert
Thesis: Growing Capacity or Shrinking Ambition? The Political Economy of Budget Surpluses
(Associate Professor of Comparative Politics and Comparative Political Economy, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Alexandra Hees
Thesis: Eine „grüne“ Zukunft für Kunststoffe? Die Entwicklung von Märkten für Biokunststoffe
(Program Manager at ETH for Development, Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich [ETH Zurich])
Annina Hering
Thesis: Uncertainties and Their Effects on Fertility Behavior
(Economist at the Indeed Hiring Lab, Düsseldorf, Germany)
Annika Holz
Thesis: Politische Konditionalitäten in der EU: Vom Aufstieg neuer Governance-Instrumente in den Europäischen Struktur- und Investitionsfonds
(Referee, EFRE-Verwaltungsbehörde - Programmsteuerung, Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf)
Marina Hübner
Thesis: The EU Politics of Securitization
(Referee, Federal Ministry of Finance, Berlin)
Annette Hübschle
Thesis: A Game of Horns: Transnational Flows of Rhinoceros Horn
(Senior research fellow in the Global Risk Governance programme and lead of the Environmental and Planetary Futures Research Group, Public Law Department, University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Till Martin Kaesbach
Thesis: European Financial Market Regulation in Crisis
(Head of Governmental Affairs, Aareal Bank AG, Berlin)
Andreas Kammer
Thesis: The Political Economy of Redistribution
(Director Transfer Pricing, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany)
Roy Karadag
Thesis: Political Capitalisms: Power, Elites, and the Economy in Turkey and the Philippines
(Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Intercultural and International Studies, University of Bremen)
Lisa Kastner
Thesis: Lobbying for Financial Reforms
(Government Affairs Professional, Siemens Healthineers, Bussels, Belgium)
Michael Kemmerling
Thesis: Business Power in Digital Capitalism
(Postdoctoral Researcher, Cologne Center for Comparative Politics [CCCP], University of Cologne)
Azer Kiliç
Thesis: Identity, Interest, and Politics: The Rise of Kurdish Associational Activism and the Contestation of the State in Turkey
(Assistant Professor, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey)
Philipp Klages
Thesis: Corporate Governance Reforms and Legal Ideas
(Project Management Coordinator, Geschäftsbereich Technologische und Regionale Innovationen, Projektträger Jülich, Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Sebastian Kohl
Thesis: Homeowner Nations or Nations of Tenants. How Historical Institutions in Urban Politics, Housing
Finance and Construction Set Germany, France and the US on Different Housing Paths
(Professor of Sociology, Head of the Sociology Department, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin)
Markus Lang
Thesis: Boundless Protection: Legal-Technical Expertise and the Expansion of Patent Rights
(Postdoc/Junior Research Group Leader, Max Weber Institute of Sociology, Heidelberg University, Germany)
Mauricio Andrés López-Rivera
Thesis: Re-Encountering Climate Change: Indigenous Peoples and the Quest for Epistemic Diversity in Global Climate Change Governance
(Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Hamburg)
Mark Lutter
Thesis: Demand Structure and Distributional Effects of the Lottery
(Professor of Sociology, Wuppertal University)
Aldo Madariaga
Thesis: Continuity and Change in Neoliberal Development Regimes: A Comparison between Latin America and Eastern Europe
(Professor at the School of Political Science, Diego Portales University in Santiago, Chile)
Philip Mader
Thesis: Financializing Poverty: The Transnational Political Economy of Microfinance's Rise and Crises
(Research Fellow, Business, Markets and the State research cluster, Institute of Devolopment Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK)
Olga Malets
Thesis: The Impact of Gobal Private Regulation
(Referee, Forschungsförderung, TU München)
Liviu Mantescu
Thesis: When Transnational Governance Hits the Ground
(Founder and CEO of Watergenics, Berlin)
Alina Marktanner
Thesis: Reorganizing the Political: Business Consultants in the Public Sector
(Senior Researcher, Historical Institute, Chair for Modern History with its Knowledge and Technology Cultures, RWTH Aachen University)
Philip Mehrtens
Thesis: Public Debt and Public Policy: On the Transformation of the Swedish Political Economy
(Referee, Wissenschaftsrat, Cologne)
Daniel Mertens
Thesis: The Institutional Foundations of Household Debt in Germany
(Professor, Institute for Social Sciences, Osnabrück University)
Daniel Meyer
Thesis: The Making of Career Aspirations in Business Schools
(Senior Researcher at the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development)
Guadalupe Moreno
Thesis: Working Fictions of Money: The Making of Currency (Dis-)trust in Argentina, 1880-2020
(Postdoctoral Researcher, Normative Orders Cluster, Goethe University Frankfurt)
Sascha Münnich
Thesis: The Regulation of Unemployment in Germany and the US from a historical-comparative Perspective
(Professor, Chair of Sociology of the Economy and Director of the Institute for European Studies, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder)
Virginia Kimey Pflücke
Thesis: Wenn Hausarbeit bezahlt wird. Eine historisch-soziologische Analyse der Arbeitsbeziehung im Privathaushalt in Spanien und Uruguay
(Researcher, Chair for Sociology of Work and the Economy, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg)
Hannah Pool
Thesis: Doing the Game: The Moral Economy of Going to Europe
(Senior Researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne)
Danielle Pullan
Thesis: The Gap Between Abortion Policy and Abortion Access in Europe: a Mixed-Methods Comparative Study (Postdoctoral Researcher, Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (CCCP), University of Cologne)
Inga Rademacher
Thesis: Economic Change and the Conflict on Tax Reform
(Lectureship in International Political Economy, Department of International Politics, City, University of London)
Filippo Reale
Thesis: The Political Economy of Sociotechnical Change
(Researcher, Insitute of Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt)
Isabella Reichert
Thesis: Market Status Exploration and Performance in Cultural Industries
(Journalist at Spiegel Online)
Karlijn Roex
Thesis: The Empact of the Economy on Suicide
(Sociologist, author and public speaker)
Jan Sauermann
Thesis: Social Preferences in Democratic Decision-Making
(Professor of Modern Political Theory, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg)
Martin Schröder
Thesis: Relocations, Economic Interests and Moral Considerations
(Full Professor of Sociology with a focus on Economic Interests and Moral Considerations in Offshoring Production to Low Cost Countries, University of Marburg)
Martin Seeliger
Thesis: The Social Construction of Organized Interests
(Head of the Department Institutional Change in Work, Employment and Society and Co-Director of the Institute for Labor and the Economy, University of Bremen)
Daniel Seikel
Thesis: The European Challenge to the German Public Banking Sector
(Head of the European Policy Unit, Institute of Economic and Social Research [WSI], Hans Böckler Foundation, Düsseldorf)
Marcin Serafin
Thesis: The Temporal Structures of the Economy: The Working Day of Taxi Drivers in Warsaw
(Assistant Professor, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, and former Head of the Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life, Warsaw, Poland)
Elizabeth Freda Soer
Thesis: Imaginaries of Freedom: How Imagined Futures Shaped South Africa’s Transition from Apartheid (1976-1996) (Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne)
Nico Sonntag
Thesis: The Diffusion, Survival and Legacy of Medieval Consecrated Life. The Sociology of Historical Religious Communities in Europe
(Postdoctoral Researcher, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
Alexander Spielau
Thesis: The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Adjustments
(Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg)
Mischa Stratenwerth
Thesis: Interest Groups and Macroeconomic Policy in the Export-led German Growth Model. Business associations, trade unions, and the reproduction of the undervaluation regime.
(Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne)
Hendrik Tillmann-Zorn
Thesis: Recounting the Beans: The Statistical Construction of Fiscal Reality
(Owner, die filmwirtschaft [Media Production])
Christian Tribowski
Thesis: Transnational Markets for the Acquisition of Family Members
(Director Sales & Alliance, IBM iX DACH)
André Vereta Nahoum
Thesis: Selling Cultures: The Traffic of Cultural Representations from the Yawanwa
(Professor of Sociology, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Sara Weckemann-Glombitza
Thesis: The Lives of Large Families on Welfare
(Science communication, DLR Projektträger, Bonn)
Annika Wederhake
Thesis: Statist Vocational Education and Training
(Business Process Management, Office of Social Affairs, Berlin)
Benjamin Werner-Cöster
Thesis: The Power of Judicial Integration: How the European Commission and the European Court of Justice are Liberalizing Corporate Governance
(Deputy Head of Unit, Ministry for Economics, Ports and Transformation, The Free Hanseatic City of Bremen)
Sabrina Zajak
Thesis: Transnational Labor Activism and Global Supply Chains
(Junior Professor, Institute for Social Movements, Ruhr University Bochum)
Gregor Zons
Thesis: New Political Parties as Innovators: Formation and Success
(Researcher and Lecturer in Comparative Politics, Chair of Comparative Politics, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)
Solomon George Zori
Thesis: International Financial Reporting Standards in Africa
(Assistant Professor of Financial Accounting and Valuation, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam)