New doctoral students at the IMPRS-SPCE in fall 2020
This year the MPIfG welcomed ten new researchers to the doctoral program of the International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE): Tobias Arbogast graduated from SOAS University of London and was previously a trainee at the Deutsche Bundesbank; Ceren Çevik, previously Goethe University Frankfurt; Hanna Doose, formerly at the University of Cologne; Stephan Gruber, a graduate from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; Maximilian Kiecker, previously at the University of Leiden; Camilla Locatelli, formerly at the University of Amsterdam; Marco Oberti, from Freie Universität Berlin; Danielle Pullan, previously at the University of Cologne; Elizabeth Soer, formerly at the University of Pretoria; Clara Baumann, who joined the IMPRS-SPCE in 2019 as a predoctoral student. The new doctoral students started working on their dissertation projects in early October. The IMPRS-SPCE is a joint international doctoral program of the MPIfG, the University of Cologne, and the University of Duisburg-Essen. Twenty-five doctoral students are currently enrolled in the program.