Clemens Kroneberg


– not available as an advisor for new IMPRS doctoral students in 2025 –

Clemens  Kroneberg

Clemens Kroneberg

Professor of Sociology at the University of Cologne

Clemens Kroneberg is Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology at the University of Cologne. His research focuses on diversity and boundary making; action theory and social networks; and crime and deviance. He has contributed to developing the Model of Frame Selection, an integrative theory of action that covers framing and dual processes, and applied it to altruism, crime, political participation, and trust. In recent years, Kroneberg has directed two large-scale longitudinal studies in the school context (DFG project "Friendship and Violence in Adolescence" and ERC Starting Grant project "Social Integration and Boundary Making in Adolescence"), resulting in high-quality data on social networks (positive and negative ties), identities, juvenile delinquency, and ethnic diversity.

Dissertation proposals relating to questions of diversity policies and forms of racism in organizations and the economy are especially welcome. 

Moreover, candidates who combine strong methods skills (e.g., social network analysis, panel analysis, or (quasi-)experimental methods) with an interest in one of the following research fields are encouraged to apply. 
Research Fields:

  • Social boundary making
  • Diversity
  • Crime and deviance
  • Social networks
  • Action theory

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