MPIfG Joins ARTEMIS Mentorship Program

The MPIfG is taking part in ARTEMIS, the Max Planck Society’s mentorship program to promote scientific exchange with African universities and research institutions. Camilla Locatelli and Dustin Voss (both MPIfG) are mentoring two doctoral researchers, Endalcachew Bayeh from the Department of Political Science and International Studies at Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia, and Ngone Mirimi, a doctoral candidate in Development Economics at the Africa Research University of Zambia. Both will be visiting the Institute in Cologne from October to November 2025 as part of the program.
ARTEMIS aims to support career development among graduates and doctoral students at African universities and research institutions by offering an exchange of knowledge and experience, access to international research networks, and a research stay in Germany. Early-career scholars at Max Planck Institutes who are interested in scientific exchange with fellow scholars in Africa can apply to be mentors on the program.