Intermittent Dictators: Arguments on Democracy, Finance, and Central Banking with Application to the Truss Premiership

Max Planck Online Workshop in Comparative Political Economy

  • Date: Feb 14, 2024
  • Time: 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: David Woodruff (LSE)
Intermittent Dictators: Arguments on Democracy, Finance, and Central Banking with Application to the Truss Premiership
The Max Planck Online Workshop in Comparative Political Economy (MAX CPE) is an online seminar series in Comparative Political Economy, hosted by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and coordinated by Lucio Baccaro, Björn Bremer, Sinisa Hadziabdic, Pálma Polyák, Saila Stausholm, and Dustin Voss.

Please go to workshop website to sign up.

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